Flirty: Will You Shoot Your Shot?

Hey guys, will you shoot your shot even when the odds are really against you?

Yeah you read that right and I agree that this is now a budding sector this year…the act of shooting your shot whether career wise, in creating a fantasy relationship or even pitching forward a somewhat crazy idea.

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If you don’t still have an idea of what shooting your shot is, it typically means taking the bold initiative to getting what you want no matter the circumstance or the possible outcome. For instance, when a basketballer dunks the ball, he is not entirely sure whether or not the ball will succesfully dive into the net, right? But he takes a shot anyways and hope the outcome is a great dunk-goal. So also it is in life, you do not just sit, wait and see what happens – you take your shot at the possible opportunity.

shoot career

Now like I stated above, you can shoot your shot in different levels. The game you choose to play on, is entirely up to you. So for career development or growth, I will totally shoot my shot with all bravity. If the opportunity available is something I see as great, I wouldn’t even think twice. If I am rejected, I will try and try again till I am successful. I will use a different approach if I don’t get it the first time and I will totally go for it!

However, when it comes to relationships, I doubt I will ever shoot my shot. I know that rejection doesn’t mean I’m not a great person but I will rather the guy shoot his shot at me. Yeah, I agree…I am definitely old school, sorry to burst your bubbles. I mean, if I ever have a crush on a guy, I will definitely kill that feeling especially when I know that the guy has someone else or that the feeling will never go any head way. Thankfully, I am able to kill a crush feeling on the onset without losing my mind.

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Hey but if you think you can take a go at it, why not? Don’t be afraid to shoot your shot – you never know if the guy/girl is the shy type that cannot come forward or has not really noticed your existence because somehow, well they just aren’t that observant. [Well, that will be odd.]


So here are a few tips to take a possible shoot at your potential shot – who may eventually be a spouse…

  1. You could send an SMS or a DM to that crush via IG, Twitter, Snapchat, Whatsapp etc. Follow them on social media, stalk them if can – I know people that do this tbh. Sometimes the first shot doesn’t go rfight but don’t take this personally – Thomas Edison didn’t succeed on his first try.


2. Do a little research about that crush so you can get aware of what you are getting into. Is the person a person you can interface with properly on social media or just personally? If yes, choose the suitable option.


3. Shoot your shot with a purpose and not basically for the fun of it. Think about what you want from it and go on from there.


4. When shooting, choose the right greeting. Don’t start with a basic ‘Hi’ or ‘hey You’ because there are chances that you will receive a ‘Hi’ back…so how do you continue from there? The easiest way to do this is usually to continue from a recent conversation or responding to a particular post made by the person – the shot becomes easier from there, especially when you key into what they were trying to say.


5. Keep your shot more on the person’s personality rather than on the physical. Research shows that when you compliment someone on their choice on something, it sticks deeper rather than a regular ‘oh, I love your smile’ or ‘oh, your butt is amazing’.


So there guys, 5 tips on how you can shoot your shot. YOLO right? So here are my questions to you…

  • Would you shoot your shoot?
  • If yes, have you ever tried to do that? Did it create something good? Was it worth it?
  • If no, why not?

Oh and  for the relationship aspect, there is a new game called ‘Shootyourshot’ to test how smooth your game is at


I will love to read your comments on the box below. What are your thoughts? Yes, Rofiah did a post on this here and Temitoria here as well. You guys should totally check it out.

Thanks for stopping by.





20 thoughts on “Flirty: Will You Shoot Your Shot?”

  1. Heyyyy! I love the tips. I am sharing on my WhatsApp rn.

    And thanks for the ping back hunnay! I totally agree with number four.

    Thinking about it now, I think I shoot my shot a lot when it comes to potential relationships. Being as natural at it as possible is usually the best foot to put forward. If you are flirty, by all means, flirt the flirt. If you are reserved, tackle your shot as calmly as your personality allows you. If you like to pay compliments, pay a genuine one. Whatever style you choose or whatever kind of person you are, just make sure you are keying into something the shootee is familiar with and something you are natural at. It goes a really long way, and it makes the shot almost effortless.

    Okay lemme come and be going! Hehe

    Nice post ❤️❤️🙌

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much Rofiah for your comment, you know y.

      I’m really excited that you commented. You have that special vibe you bring to a space when your writing ✍️ pen slides in. So so amazing.

      You can totally share the tips hun…that’s why they are there. Thank goodness they are relatable, now I know for sure I didn’t waste my time writing.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Moderately inspirational but extremely informal.
        Your writing and train of thought is impeccable and extremely interesting.
        Keep up the good work😚😚😚

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Haha😂 just learnt new ways of stalking.
    I sometimes have the fear to approach people and talk but it’s interesting how when I finally talk to them, 9 out of 10 times their response is positive. I also realise that they actually had interest in relating with me.

    So, I say shoot your shot no matter what. Whether its a man or woman, just go for it. Life is too short for anyone to hesitate doing what they can actually do. Someone said God put everything good on the other side of fear.

    Not that I haven’t been rejected before. I have. So many times. But the times that I haven’t made me forget those that I have. And the feeling is worth it. The fear creeps in once in a while but I’m learning how to counter it. So should everyone else. So, the shot must and will be shot. Great post by the way.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ‘Someone said God put everything good on the other side of fear’… this statement right here got my attention. Very apt.👌 I now see clearly why most times we have to overcome certain hurdles amidst fear to get our certain goals which are mostly good for us.

      I also agree that life is too short to hesitate doing what you want to do but I’ll take a pass on shooting that shot. Truthfully we approach people and find out that they had the same thoughts about approaching us too and most times, like you stated, the results are positive and unexpected. Especially when you have a really catchy personality and aura but I’d freak out if I receive a not so good response…I may fade away – disappear even.

      Thankfully the tips can be of help to you but please take a rein on your stalking- if you so decide to take that step😂

      Thank you for reading Miti… I really appreciate.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Thank you so much Rofiah for your comment, you know your post inspired me.

    I’m really excited that you commented. You have that special vibe you bring to a space when your writing ✍️ pen slides in. So so amazing.

    You can totally share the tips hun…that’s why they are there. Thank goodness they are relatable, now I know for sure I didn’t waste my time writing.


    Liked by 1 person

  4. Practical tips for shooting shots from someone who will not shoot her shot 😅.
    I have 2348137051765 recommendations to make on how to shoot your shot.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. hey Debbie!!
    lovely topic, awesome write up. unfortunately i am married, so i will gladly pass on the relationship aspect…
    it’s actually motivated me to keep trying in the career part though.


  6. Thank you… I’m old school too.
    Kill a crush from the onset if I’m not going to get anywhere with it.
    I’d shoot my shot in every other situation..
    In relationships, I can prod, give a little push, to my direction,


  7. Hey you…shoot my shot? Maybe, maybe not. I am not exactly certain but I can stalk that crush of mine till he somewhat notices me. Is that a shot? I guess maybe not…thank you for the tips but I am certain it is for the brave hearted. I am still taking baby steps into this arena; hopefully the love of my life won’t wait too long to come by so I don’t end up embarrassing myself.


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